![]() It was the first time we had heard: “A palm-sized de¬vice, called a mouse, is then used to point to, and manipu¬late, these items to perform the desired tasks.” It was a good six months before the first Apple Mac, complete with that strange rodent pointing device, would reach Australia – and some years before it was picked up by other PC companies who much preferred their cus¬tomers to navigate by typing gibberish into the MS-DOS command line. In his profile, Roman’s former employer, Hewlett Packard, said: “David graduated in Architecture and Industrial Design from the Queensland University of Technology (Australia) after starting his architectural studies at the Polytechnic of Torino (Italy).” Now the David Roman we knew at Apple Australia spoke fluent Italian, skied there every year and was of Italian descent. Could this be the same man? Maybe, maybe not. The small but perfectly formed pub¬lisher of this newsletter points to the age problem: Ameri¬can companies do not usually appoint top execs when they are in or nearing the dreaded 60s. But then Lenovo is not an American, but a Chinese company, where age may be venerated, and sometimes mistaken for wisdom. **Computer Daily News has confirmed the David Roman just appointed to head up marketing for Lenovo is indeed the very same mouse-flashing David Roman who promoted the Apple Lisa in Australia in the 1980s. |