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Laser Helps Cut Energy Bills Through Two New Devices

Laser Helps Cut Energy Bills Through Two New Devices

Laser’s Smart Power Meter Board reduces energy consumption by effectively managing the use of electrical appliances. On board (pardon the pun) is a built-in LCD read out that communicates how much power/CO2 their appliances are using and how much that usage costs. Out of the box the meter board calculates the cost based on a pre-set average, but it can be reprogrammed according to the dollar/Kilowatt an hour rate, easily found on a recent electricity bill. 

Additionally, it has a Smart Power function that enhances its energy management. When a primary appliance is plugged in to the power board and it’s switched off, any secondary devices (such as an entertainment system or gaming console) are automatically switched off, eliminating the need for standby energy usage.

Laser has also announced a Smart Power Meter Socket that monitors an appliance’s power consumption while acting as a surge protector. In the event of a lightning storm, the ‘Smart’ outlet will protect electrical appliances with a surge rating of 2,500 amps.

These two devices address relevant energy and environmental issues, as household appliances consume a 30 per cent average of household electricity, with an additional 10 per cent being accounted by appliance standby usage. 

Laser Corps Managing director Chris Lau said “Consumers are becoming more cautious and looking to change habits as electricity prices escalate. They are assessing various innovative approaches to managing energy use more efficiently and the LASER Smart Power range addresses this demand. By giving consumers the control to effectively manage their power usage, it helps them save money, in turn contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions.”