If you are one of the 76,000 people who follow Scott Morrison on the Chinese social media site WeChat, you would have recieved a notification recently that ScoMo had renamed his page ‘Australian Chinese new life’ – a huge 180 from the PM.
Of course, this change was made without the involvement of his office, and has prompted Joint Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Security chair Senator James Paterson to call upon all Australian politicans to “voluntarily boycott” WeChat, after what he deems “foreign interference”.
Morrison’s page no longer sports his profile picture, while the account description says the page will “provide life information for overseas Chinese in Australia.”
Paterson sees the savvy rebranding as proof that Chinese hopes to “enforce censorship well beyond its borders and interfere in our democracy”.
“[China is] targeting our Prime Minister by seeking to shut down his ability to communicate with the Chinese Australians by banning him from the most widely used channel of communication in that community,” he said, noting this has “partisan consequences”.
“I am calling on all Australian politicians to voluntarily boycott WeChat,” he said.
“We cannot allow a foreign authoritarian government to interfere in our democracy and set the terms of public debate in Australia.”