Samsung has taken a shot at the late Steve Jobs in the product description for its iTest app, which is an Android emulator for the Apple iPhone, giving users the chance to get outside the walled garden before (hopefully) making the change to a Samsung product.
“Samsung users are all unique and they like their phones to be unique too,” the description reads.
“No turtleneck wearer should dictate how your phone looks. Check out a few of the other themes. The ones here are just to give you a taste, but once you have a real Samsung you’ll have access to a world of amazing options.”
They are referring to Steve Jobs who changed entirely how smartphones looked like. "tHiS iS nOt OfFiciAlLy bY sAmSunG" nope. This is the itest thing on iPhone which IS Officially by Samsung themselves. And if i see someone defending this in anyway possible you will not be happy.
— Yahia Sayed (@_YahiaSayed_) August 22, 2021
Not surprisingly, the distasteful jab caught the ire of many, with more than a few users pointing out the Steve Jobs’ vision for responsible for the entire smartphone market.
Samsung is yet to respond officially to the description, although we have to say, it is quite apt.