Samsung Electronics is in the midst of a major shakeup, combining two of its three business divisions, and replacing its three co-chief executive officers.
The company’s consumer appliances and mobile divisions has been merged into a single entity called ‘DX Division’, which stands for Device eXperience.
This DX Division will be ran by Jong-Hee Han, who comes from the TV R&D team, and succeeds co-CEOs Dongjin Koh and Hyunsuk Kim, who respectively led the smartphone and consumer appliances group.
The new name “reflects the company’s focus on targeting consumer demand in a variety of electronics”, according to a statement released over the weekend.
Kyehyun Kyung will led Samsung’s Device Solutions group, which covers its semiconductor business with third-parties, while Hark Kyu Park will be its new chief financial officer, coming from the Device Solutions team.