Raids Net Thousands Of Unapproved, Potentially Dangerous Phone Chargers
Recent raids carried out by NSW Fair Trading have netted thousands of unapproved and potentially dangerous USB phone chargers, now several distributors are facing massive fines with the NSW Fair Trading confirming to ChannelNews that legal proceeding are currently under way.
At one premises alone, 4,573 items were found and have been seized, including unapproved USB phone chargers, among which were counterfeit well-known brand products Apple, LG, Samsung, Huawei and Motorola.
Some of the chargers confiscated were not branded but had been styled on a branded product.
Among the items seized, a number were labelled with a false approval number, while other items seized at the premises, in addition to the electrical items, included 6,657 non-authentic branded items, among which were mobile device batteries, leads and accessories.
At another premises, hundreds of chargers, cables, adapters and unauthentic branded mobile device batteries were seized, with the batteries branded with Samsung and Apple logos.
“Non-authentic batteries may pose a significant fire risk due to potentially inferior manufacturing quality,” NSW Fair Trading states.
“In addition, non-authentic branded mobile phone accessories, such as screens and casing, if installed, may void any warranty supplied by the manufacturer and leave consumers out-of-pocket.”
The raids were initiated after Australian Border Force officers intercepted a shipment of suspected counterfeit USB phone chargers earlier in the year, referring the matter to NSW Fair Trading to check compliance with electrical safety standards.
The importer abandoned the shipment, and is now under investigation by Fair Trading.
“Some of the chargers in the shipment featured an incorrect approval number and some had inferior components and circuitry,” NSW Fair Trading commissioner Rod Stowe commented.
“The public need to be vigilant about their safety and check USB phone chargers for approval marks. Check approval marks at Anyone with any questions about the authenticity of approval numbers or marks on products should call Fair Trading on 13 32 20 for assistance.
“Retailers should not be selling unapproved products and consumers should avoid buying them by being careful in their purchases. Avoid the cheap deal – there is a reason it is cheap. Cheap and unapproved electrical products pose a serious health hazard and are a false economy.”