Netflix has begun rolling out Spatial Audio support to its iPhone and iPad apps on iOS14, a feature that is already available on Disney+ and Apple TV+.
The company has confirmed that it will be a slow rollout – what that means isn’t clear, but it may take a while to reach our shores. This feature is exclusive to AirPods Pro and AirPods Max, and will be later added to macOS and tvOS.
Apple explains how the technology works: “By applying directional audio filters and subtly adjusting the frequencies each ear receives, spatial audio can place sounds virtually anywhere in space, creating an immersive surround sound experience.
“Using the gyroscope and accelerometer in your AirPods Pro and your iPhone, spatial audio tracks the motion of your head as well as your device, compares the motion data, and then remaps the sound field so that it stays anchored to your device even as your head moves.”