The Barracuda ES.2 hard drive with SAS is designed for business-critical and storage environments that demand native host compatibility. This means no SATA interposer card costs and complexity along with all the advantages of dual-port, full duplex capability and a host of other features for high system-level performance and reliability. The Barracuda ES.2 drive features include the RVFF (Rotational Vibration Feed Forward) system, designed to sustain performance in densely-packed multi-drive systems. The Barracuda ES.2 drive also boosts reliability with an unrecoverable error rate that is quoted at 10 times better than other desktop class drives and a 1.2 million hour Mean Time Between Failure at full 24 x 7 data availability. The Barracuda ES.2 drive operates at 7,200-rpm spin speeds, delivers average seek times of 8.5ms, and delivers up to 1TB of capacity with other models available in 500GB and 750GB. See www.seagate.com