AuDA, the body which administers the .au top level Internet domain is canvassing the possibility of allowing the registration of domain names such as, saying such a move would be “the most substantial change to the .au domain name space in over 30 years.”
AuDA has convened a policy review panel to make recommendations, issued a discussion paper and called for submissions.
It notes that one of the main issues is how holders of third-level domain names, such as, should be given priority for these new domain names.
Both the UK and New Zealand have opened up their second-level domain names. In the UK, auDA says: “Competing claims were resolved in the following order of priority: (1) registrant, (2) registrant and (3) registrant ….This reflects the original policy intent that .uk is a space designed for business.
The issues paper is available at Submissions close on Friday November 10. – Stuart Corner