Online Orders Soar $10Bn
These web orders were worth close to $250 billion, an increase of almost $10 billion from the year before.
As at 30 June, over a third of businesses with 0-4 persons employed had a web presence, compared with 98% of businesses with 200+ staff, according to ABS stats.
But, it seems the larger the company, the greater number of internet orders received. Businesses with 0-4 persons employed were the least likely to receive web orders (25%), while businesses with 200+ staff were more far likely (44%).
More than half of all businesses in the Information media and telecommunications industry received orders via the internet during 2012-13.
Businesses in Wholesale trade (50%) and Manufacturing (48%) were the next most likely to have received web orders, while businesses in Agriculture, forestry and fishing were the least likely to do so.
“Although the proportion of businesses with a social media presence had the greatest growth since our last survey, most key indicators of business use of information technology have increased,” said Sue-Ellen Luke from the ABS.
Over 25% of Australian businesses had a social media presence – whether its on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, up from one in five the previous year.
In 2012-13, 42 per cent of businesses undertook ‘innovative activity’.
“In line with previous results, large businesses are more than twice as likely to have undertaken some form of innovation – such as introducing new or improved goods or services, or improving operational processes – than small businesses,” said Ms Luke.