Complimenting Samsung’s range of MicroLED & 8K QLED TVs at CES 2018, recent reports reveal Samsung is working on an OLED TV with a flexible screen, set to appease consumers who desire both flat and curved screen capabilities in one product.
LetsGoDigital first noticed Samsung’s patent filed to the WIPO, for an ‘adjustable flexible display device’. The patent describes a flat panel TV which can easily be adjusted into a curved TV.
The product is underpinned by a mechanism which allows the TV screen to move both forwards and backwards, to enable a ‘curved’ display. The modular TV is also fitted with a motorised drive unit.
Curving the TV will naturally result in an optically smaller sized screen, which will appeal to consumers who want to customise the ‘distance’ of their TV relative to their viewing position.
Samsung’s revolutionary new product could herald the beginning of 2-in-1 TV screens.
Some individuals may remember that Samsung unveiled a prototype for a similar bendable TV at CES 2014.