Optus & Tabcorp To Broadcast English Premier League & FIFA 2018 At Sky Racing Venues
Tabcorp and Optus Business have inked a two-year agreement to broadcast the English Premier League and 2018 FIFA World Cup at Tabcorp’s 4,500 Sky Racing venues across Australia.
Optus states it intends for Optus Sport to be rolled out to Tabcorp’s Sky Racing venues during August and September.
Sky Racing venues will be able to show the full range of Premier Live fixtures in any public viewing area of their space, where existing Sky Racing channels can be broadcast.
Through their press release Optus remarks:
“The new agreement means venues can feature Optus Sport 1, the 24/7 Premier League channel, via their Sky Racing boxes, with an option to show a second live game when multiple games are played at the same time. Sky Racing 1, 2 and Trackside will remain unchanged and will continue to be shown in all venues with Optus Sport an addition to the Sky broadcast in pubs, clubs and TAB agencies”.
CEO and Managing Director of Tabcorp, David Attenborough says:
“The broadcast of the English Premier League and the 2018 FIFA World Cup™ to hotels, clubs and TAB agencies will deliver additional benefits to our venue partners. Outside of the three codes of racing, soccer is consistently one of the most popular sports with Tabcorp customers and the Premier League is the most popular soccer competition.”