Mophie Fails To Stack Up When It Comes To Wireless Charging, The Distributor Behind It Doesn’t Want To Talk About It
One of the hottest categories at CE retailers right now is wireless charging and a recent visit to retailers revealed some interesting observations especially when it came to questioning staff about performance and price.
Among the most expensive products on sale was a Wireless Charing Matt from Mophie but even more surprising was the reaction of the distribution Company behind the product.
Wireless charging base supplier Mophie, claims that they are delivering a new standard for high speed QI wireless charging, the only problem is that their offering is overpriced and under performs when compared to several products we looked at.
This was not our initial observation it was the observation of a store manager at a major retailer selling the Mophie product.
Their device which is on sale at retailers such as JB Hi Fi is retailing for $100, the output is 7.5 watts in comparison the EFM Wireless Charging Pad is retailing for $69 some $30 cheaper and it charges at 10 watts to a Samsung Galaxy 8 device.
Attempts to clarify issues with the Australian distributor of the Mophie device Syntricate, was met with a point-blank refusal to not only name someone we could deal with they even refused to put us through to anyone.
The Company even refused to acknowledge who their PR or marketing manager was, they even refused to name any executive of their Company who we could check facts with.
They did ask us to send an email to an info@ email address.
When asked why they were reluctant to talk about their products with the media an unnamed person on the call said, “We don’t deal with the media, we have never heard of ChannelNews or SmartHouse”.
A further investigation of the price gouging that Morphie is trying to extract from consumers revealed that for the same price consumers can buy a 15-watt future proofed output wireless charging device form Belkin for $100, this is double the output of the Morphie product. What this means is that currently you can get 12 wats of output and in the future 15 watts as new upgrades to smartphones and wireless charging are released.
Also outperforming the Morphie device on price is the Cygnett Wireless Charging Pad which is selling for $79 at JB Hi Fi.