Fisher-Price is recalling its 4-in-1 Rock ‘n Glide Soothers after it was linked to the deaths of four infants, who were placed in the device on their backs and later found on their stomachs.
“These types of incidents are heart-breaking,” said Robert Adler, Acting Chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. “Loving parents put their babies in these products never expecting a tragedy. Inclined products, such as gliders, soothers, rockers and swings are not safe for infant sleep, due to the risk of suffocation.”
Fisher-Price have also recalled the 2-in-1 Soothe ‘n Play Gliders, which hasn’t been linked to any deaths. Roughly 120,000 4-in-1 Rock ‘n Glide Soothers and 55,000 2-in-1 Soothe ‘n Play Gliders were sold between 2014-2020.
“There is nothing more important to Fisher-Price than the safety of our products and the trust that families put in us,” said Chuck Scothon, General Manager of Fisher-Price.
“These incidents are indeed heart-breaking. We are committed to educating parents and caregivers on the safe use of all of our products, including the importance of following all warnings and instructions to ensure the health and safety of babies and children.”
Parent company Mattel’s shares took a hit after the recall, dropping 0.9 per cent at the close of trading on Friday.