World leading digital infrastructure company Equinix said it has helped Aware Super, one of Australia’s largest industry superannuation funds with more than $130 billion of funds under management, to transform its IT infrastructure.
Aware Super has migrated two on-premise datacentres into Equinix’s International Business Exchanges (IBX) centres in Sydney and Melbourne, linking both sites using Telstra’s Programmable Network (TPN).
By using Equinix Fabric, Aware Super says it can also ensure redundancy and quickly interconnect to a hybrid cloud environment, handling mission-critical global financial services, such as trading and investment platforms.
With more than 1.1 million members and clients, Aware Super says it has reduced the incidence of infrastructure component failures by 24%.
This is set to deliver better employee and member experiences and manage on-demand increases to compute and storage requirements as the need arises.