The ACCC says it is keeping a close eye on the US$5 billion (A$7.2 billion) class action suit against brough against Google in California. The suit alleges that Google has broken privacy rules by tracking millions of users’ internet activity while their browsers were in incognito mode.
Under California’s privacy laws, each Google user could be paid out US$5,000 (A$7,200).
Google “cannot continue to engage in the covert and unauthorised data collection from viritually every American with a computer or phone,” the complaint said.
“As part of our digital platform services inquiry, the ACCC is monitoring practices of suppliers in digital platform markets which may result in competition or consumer harm,” the ACCC spokeswoman told The Australian. “We are also keeping track of developments in markets outside Australia.”
The watchdog is also investigating how Google, along with Apple and Facebook, use the data of Australian consumers for personalised advertised. Under the five-year inquiry, the ACCC will also investigate anti-competitive behaviour. The first inquiry report is due 30th September, with a new report every six months thereafter.
The ACCC has a number of other ongoing investigations that involve Google, including Google’s acquisition of Fitbit, its mandatory code that aims to have Google and Facebook pay local media companies for content.