In only a couple of weeks, Chromebooks users can expect a longer lifespan for their laptops when Google turns loose its ChromeOS update.
As reported by AboutChromebooks, the development for ChromeOS’s refresh known as project “Lacros” began in 2020 and is set to roll out around August 22, likely during its next ChromeOS 116 release.
With the update, Chrome could work as it does on a Mac or Windows laptop and will isolate Chrome browser support from ChromeOS.
Even better, now users will also see Chrome receive its own updates more quickly and separately from the operating system.
For users, the primary value lies in the Chrome browser having the ability to continue to update after Chromebooks, even if it is nearing its end-of-life and can no longer accept system updates.
Already Chromebooks have a decent lifespan of roughly five to eight years max but with the update, the Chrome browser updates could extend its life longer than ever before.
According to AboutChromebooks, LaCrOS may be a default feature on ChromeOS 116 release, but the 116-beta release has had its “Lacros support” flag eliminated.
Additionally, benefits include that the beta version of the browser enabled the separation manually, and the update will grant the Lacros browser to open with a splash screen on ChromeOS when it is being updated.
With this done, Google will have effectively switched the ancient Chrome browser for a new shiny Lacros browser.
As of yet, Google has not confirmed details regarding to the connection between Lacros and the 116 release.
Overall, the update is not a gamechanger for users, but the length of a Chromebook’s life has been increased significantly which can save users the hassle and cost of buying a new laptop.