LG Cranks Up Gaming Monitor + Projector Range, Big Growth Tipped
According to GFK both markets are witnessing a resurgence as
LG who are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of
LG is first vendor to deliver AMD’s FreeSync monitor technology
Freesync is AMD’s answer to Nvidia’s G-Sync, which
The 34-inch 34UM67 has a 3440 x 1440 pixel-resolution which
The initially unconventional resolution is supported by an increasing
The inclusion of AMD’s FreeSync support means that the
The 34UM67 has an IPS panel and shares a similar
Its other features of interest to gamers include a Black
In the projector market LG is rolling out several new models
The new projector boasting a rechargeable battery capable of
Battery life is said to be 30,000 hours of use because of
There is also a larger PW800 that delivers a HD image at
Also built into this model is a HD TV tuner.
A new PF1500G LG projector that has two conventional HDMI
The PH 800 is $899 the PW800 and PW800G (without the tuner)
“Our range of monitors has been a particular highlight in
“Last year we saw some incredible new technologies in our
To help “set that pace” as Skropidis says, the monitors |