In a move that could hurt consumer electronics and gaming retailers, Microsoft is tipped to release a streaming only Xbox console, the bad news is a limited CPU.
The next-gen Xbox slated for a 2020 release will reportedly come in two versions, a upgrade to the Xbox One console and another console dedicated to streaming games.
According to Thurrott, the second console is a ‘lower-powered’ device which will have a limited amount of CPU for local tasks like controller input, image processing and collision detection.
This means more hardware will be needed locally raising the price of the streaming box but will not be close to what consumers are used to seeing for new release consoles.
The upcoming streaming console is a part of Microsoft’s plan to create a Netflix for games as they make more money through their Xbox Live and gaming sales rather than hardware.
Thurrott says, ‘the portion of the game that runs locally, some have referred to it as a slice or splice, means that the game is ‘running’ in two locations at the same time and utilizes Microsoft’s cloud to stitch it all together.’
The streaming device will be more accessible than a normal console and can run on any type of device.
The next-gen console has been code named ‘Scarlett’.
All games for the Scarlett console will be able to be played on both the streaming and non-streaming console.
Xbox is slated to release new console bundles and accessories at next month’s gamescom in Germany.