Fair Trading Finally Moves Against Android Enjoyed
NSW Fair Trading is finally taking action against online retailer Android Enjoyed in the NSW Supreme Court after the sheer weight of complaints forced its hand
Android Enjoyed and CameraSky are based in Hong Kong and sell mobile handsets, cameras, tablets and accessories online under parent company Digital Marketing and Solutions Pty Ltd.
NSW Minister for Better Regulation Matt Kean said Fair Trading had started injunction proceedings against the parent company and its sole director Yuen Ho Wong, who is also based in Hong Kong.
“Fair Trading is alleging the business failed to repair defective goods, provide refunds for defective or damaged goods or goods not fit for purpose, and failed to supply goods in a reasonable time or at all,” Mr Kean said.
Android Enjoyed and CameraSky have been Fair Trading favourites for years now, having topped its Complaints Register on numerous occasions and collectively been responsible for a grand total of 782 complaints.
“These are figures no company should be proud of,” Mr Kean added.
Former Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe warned consumers back in September 2016 not to deal with the online stores which were responsible for over $150,000 in consumer losses at the time. No updated figure is available for the amount in total losses since then but it is likely to be a similar amount again if not more.
Both retailers ceased operations last month, while Fair Trading recently introduced legislation which it hopes to streamline the resolution of such disputes, focusing on goods in the $25-$3000 value range.
Proceedings are listed in the NSW Supreme Court for September 26.