Australians’ demand for online content and services continues to climb unabated providing a fillip for the communications industry.
Australians downloaded over 3.1 million terabytes in the June 2017 quarter, up 43 percent on the same period last year. Ninety-two percent of all data in this quarter was said to have been downloaded over fixed-line broadband.
Fixed-line broadband also contributed to more than 90 percent of the download growth. These are key findings of the Communications Report 2016–17, produced by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
“We are downloading, consuming and creating more data and content than ever before. We are also communicating in ways that we couldn’t have predicted a decade – or even five years ago,” said ACMA chair Nerida O’Loughlin.
‘Where demand leads, investment follows. Mobile operators, for example, announced plans for billion dollar improvements to Australia’s 4G network in 2016–17, paving the way for more data-intensive activities over mobile.”