LG Now Flogging Advertising On Their TVs
Foxtel Media has been announced as the exclusive sales agent for LG Ads in Australia, in a partnership that will bring advertising to LG’s range of smart TVs.
According to sources, neither LG management nor the company’s PR agency were aware of the deal in Australia.
The advertising will be embedded in WebOS TVs; the OS is owned by LG. The move sees LG compete head on with free to air TVs that are trying to reach the same demographic.
Foxtel claim the advertising will be targeted to key demographics, geo-focused, and will be available for brands to purchase as home screen banners, wedge ads, hero ads, and content store image tiles for six, twelve and 24 hour time blocks.
“We are excited to be entering the Australian advertising arena with a heavy-weight contender like Foxtel Media,” LG Ads president, Serge Matta, said.
“The Foxtel Media team have had tremendous success with CTV advertising, and we are eager to advance the ecosystem further and watch the innovation and creativity unfold.”
Foxtel Media’s executive director of agency sales, Nev Hasan, said of the new deal: “Our new CTV partnership officially kicks off in September with our first Foxtel Media campaigns appearing on Aussie LG Smart TVs across the country.
“While Foxtel Media have offered CTV advertising opportunities before, we are delighted to be teaming up with a true powerhouse like LG Ads to bring them to life. We will be able to leverage their global experience and learnings to deliver the premium offerings that Australian brands have come to expect from us.”