The relationship between Telstra and the NBN appear to still be fractured with Telstra support unaware that the NBN is reporting outages in areas where Telstra has sold an NBN connection.
Under the previous CEO Andy Penn Telstra had a head on fall out with the broadband supplier.
Earlier today my home network went down in Mosman NSW, four hours later I called Telstra support, and after being told to reboot my modem, etc., etc., etc., and realizing that the conversation was going nowhere, I suggested to the Telstra support executive that they check whether the NBN feed into the Telstra network was actually up and running.
What eventuated, highlights just how bad Telstra support is and more importantly it appears that Telstra is not working hand in hand with the NBN in the best interests of customer support when the network fails.
Below is just part of how my interface with Telstra unfolded.
Telstra Support
“I need you to turn off your modem for about 2 minutes. After it has been off for 2 minutes, then turn it back on. It may take up to 3 minutes for it to reconnect once you have turned it back on”.
I reply
“I have done all this twice. The NBN website is reporting an outage in the area. Telstra should be aware of this. Go to the NBN web site, type in my address and you will see the problem”.
Minutes later the support executive returns online claiming.
Telstra Support
There is currently an outage affecting your service.
We are working on resolving this as fast as possible and apologize for any inconvenience.
We expect the outage to be resolved by 26/10/2022 03:01:00.
Once this has been resolved your modem should reconnect automatically. If this doesn’t happen, just turn your modem off, wait a few minutes and turn it back on.
We will keep you updated if the expected resolution time changes. In the meantime, you are able to keep updated via our Service Status Page at “”.
The only problem was is that the message on the NBN web site was reporting that the outage will be fixed a day earlier than what Telstra support is telling customers.
Then there is the issue of the Telstra Outages or Service Status page.
A visit to this page comes up with nothing other than “Something Went Wrong, Please Try Later”.
Telstra have not commented on the issue.
The issue was fixed at 1.20pm, 14 hours ahead of the time Telstra predicted.