Starlink is offering a new satellite internet service which allows users “to connect from almost anywhere on land in the world” using its network of inter-satellite links.
Starlink has started sending invitations to try out Starlink Global Roaming Service, which will cost A$290 a month, plus an extra A$875 for the kit.
The service is clearly in testing mode still, with the invite also warning that one should prepare for “Starlink’s typical high speed, low-latency service intermixed with brief periods of poor connectivity, or none at all” – albeit with the assurance this will “improve dramatically over time.”
The service is technically available to everyone, being a global service, and all, but Starlink notes you must pay in USD, and Australians will be “responsible for acting as the Importer of Record for the Starlink Kit”, meaning customs red tape and import taxes may be in your near future if you want to jump on board.