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NBN Soars With Strong Quarter 1 Results

NBN Co. has posted a strong quarter 1 earnings results indicating that the company is well on track to complete the rollout of Australia’s new broadband access network by 2020.

NBN Co. has 708,000 premises ready for service and 520,000 premises already activated, equating to 405 million dollars in revenue. During the first quarter of fiscal 2018, the nbn access network expanded to 6.1 million premises ready to connect (RTC), meaning more than half the premises in Australia can order an NBN plan from a retailer.

There are some new initiatives the nbn has implemented to better their services. A national campaign launched to address customer confusion, changes to the check your address function and the launch of a Tech Lab for fault assessment and remediation.

Since a large deployment and development team has been tasked with focusing on this full broadband transformation for Australians, wholesalers and retailers will focus on improving services on their level, given this is where customers will be directly addressed.

The agility of the Multi-Technology Mix (MTM) has maintained development, with over 2.8 million of ready to service premises served by Fibre-to-the-node or Fibre-to-the-building and 1.1 million premises served by HFC.

Bill Morrow, CEO of NBN expressed his confidence and commitment to getting the job done for all Australians.

“Strong foundations have been laid by the hardworking nbn team, along with our Delivery Partners and retailers, playing a significant role in accelerating the rollout and activating services at an extraordinary pace”

“With confidence we seek to take it a step further to deliver the biggest deployment year in nbn history, which will bring us to three quarters of eligible premises ready for service by the end of fiscal year 2018”

“We have demonstrated our ability to scale and deliver, and with the same determination we seek to further improve the end-to-end experience for households and businesses, from migration to use of the network.”

These quarter 1 results show improvement and growth. The nbn wants a completed broadband rollout by the year 2020 and these numbers indicate they are well on their way.

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