Home > Brands > EXCLUSIVE:Harman Working On New AKG Audio Technology For Samsung S9

EXCLUSIVE:Harman Working On New AKG Audio Technology For Samsung S9

Samsung is set to deliver a brand-new Galaxy S9 that is both camera and audio superior to anything they have delivered before.

Insiders claim that Samsung is working directly with Harman AKG audio engineers to deliver an audio superior Galaxy S9.

Samsung acquired Harman last year and the Company is already bundling AKG in ear headphones with the Galaxy Note 8.

According to sources the next version of the Galaxy smartphone offering will deliver superior 24bit and up to 32bit audio capability via Bluetooth as opposed to an audio jack for headphones.

The headphones bundled with the new Galaxy S9 “Will be superior to any we have seen before” bundled with a smartphone said a Harman source.

Removing the headphone jack will allow Samsung to push the design envelope of the handset. What their engineers are working on is being able to deliver superior Bluetooth headphones in the pack that eliminate the need for cable headphones.

The Korean Company is also set to deliver a superior camera with the introduction of new camera technology that includes a faster processor and a new coating on the lens if a recently lodged patent is anything to go by.

The patent describes a camera system that eliminates lens flare. It has two special lens coatings known as Broad Band Anti Reflection Layer (BBAR), both with surface reflections as low as -.2 percent to 1 percent. They have the added benefit of reducing ghosting, a phenomenon that phones such as the Pixel and the Pixel XL tend to exhibit in direct sunlight.

It’s a technology that’s already in use. The BBAR coating in question is being developed by lens manufacturer Tamron, which manufactures lenses for DSLR cameras.

Lens coatings aren’t the only innovation. The patent also describes a lens cylinder between the module’s lens element and spacers that allows light to pass through uninhibited, further reducing the impact of bright outdoor and indoor lighting sources.

People tend to have a love/hate relationship with lens flare. There are times when a lens flare adds a nice aesthetic to photos or a video, which is the reason that many editing apps have post-production lens flare effects. To be enjoyable, though, lens flares have to be achieved intentionally. When they happen unintentionally, they can completely ruin the moment.

Among the specs listed is the highlight of an 18.5:9 aspect ratio display.

Samsung specifically introduced this longer, narrower display with the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus to coincide with its Infinity Display and that was followed by the same aspect ratio switch for the Infinity Display of the Galaxy Note 8.

In the past Samsung has never made an 18.5:9 aspect ratio phone with conventional bezels.

According to Forbes Samsung is set to integrate the Infinity Display over to midrange smartphones.

This includes, but is not limited to, the Galaxy A series.

Although Samsung has yet to officially announce the move the tech giant’s plan was discovered in the listed specs of the 2018 Galaxy A5.

Regardless, more information and a possible confirmation of this rumor is expected to be announced in the coming months.

There is also speculation that Samsung will deliver a fingerprint sensor underneath the display after harch critisism of their current rear fingerprint sensor along with their own version of Face ID similar to what is found in the new Apple iPhone X.

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