ACCAN Cans NBN Speed Tests, Despite No Evidence Of Manipulation
Have you used Internet delivery speed test software to gain an insight into how fast your NBN connection is?
Alas, the figure you’re presented with might not be anywhere near accurate, according to a report by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.
In what appears to be a publicity stunt for ACCAN CEO Teresa Corbin, claims many of the online speed tests used in the NBN debate could have been influenced by advertisers, she has failed to deliver any evidence that her claims are accurate.
She did quoted the case of South Australian NBN user Christopher Riddell who paid for a 100Mbps NBN service with Telstra. Riddell has used six different online speed tests and found wide discrepancies.
At 6pm on August 3, Speedtest claimed his service was downloading at 91Mbps. Fastco put the speed at 48Mbps – while three other services, Google, and all put the speed at just 3Mbps.None of the screen grabs for these tests have been presented as evidence.
A sixth site,, recorded it at 2Mbps.
Corbin said a plan by the ACCC to have volunteers from 4000 homes install net speed monitoring devices could price vital.